Unveiling the Top Rookie Speaking Mistake – How to Harness Energy for Dynamic Public Speaking

Discover the key to unlocking your energy for impactful presentations.

Ever felt like Goldilocks trying to find the perfect porridge temperature? Not too hot, not too cold, but just right?

That’s how it can be with stage presence and energy. Some speakers come across as a lukewarm bowl of oatmeal – monotone, flat, and utterly forgettable. Others try to turn the heat up to boiling, bombarding the audience with manic energy that’s just as uncomfortable as a scalding burn.

The key? Finding that Goldilocks zone of presence, where your energy is confident, engaging, and just the right temperature to keep your audience hooked.


The number 1 rookie mistake that inexperienced speakers make

They don’t know how to turn on.

That’s not what I mean.

When you need to present on camera, or on stage, you have to turn your energy up.

You can’t be like this:

So I’ll be talking to you about energy and these are th 5 ways to create energy on stage.

You need to be like this:

So I’ll be talking to you about energy and these are th 5 ways to create energy on stage.

Watch out.
Some people make this mistake:

So I’ll be talking to you about energy and these are th 5 ways to create energy on stage.

Be Goldilocks on this one.
Get energy and turn yourself on.
No need to be over the top.
No need to be larger than life.

Be the MOST confident, MOST energetic version of yourself.

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