My first business was commercial filmmaking. I led a small, scrappy team of creatives, producers and editors. We created some beautiful ads that I was very proud of.

But ultimately we burnt out.
We were always trading time for money (and taking on a lot of projects to get that sweet revenue). We had no passive income as entrepreneurs.
The good news is:
As a subject matter expert, you can create courses to build a passive revenue stream.
The bad news?
If you’re not comfortable speaking on camera, you might not be able to create the best course you can.
Your challenge?
→ When you speak on camera, you don’t sound like yourself.
The solution:
Become so comfortable on camera that you feel relaxed, natural and 100% you.
It’s not just about “practice“.
Here’s how you can do strategic practice to improve how you show up and speak on camera:
1. Daily video diary
Record yourself speaking about your day. This is not a vlog to be published.
It’s just for you to get more and more used to being on camera by yourself (without an audience).
2. Daily review
Watch your videos back to analyze what worked.
Don’t just critique yourself – also take time to recognize what you’re “naturally” good at.
3. Daily improvement
Pick one thing to improve every day.
Find yourself saying too many “umms” and “uhhhs”? Dedicate a week to catching them and pausing instead.
Find yourself speaking robotically? Experiment with ways to bring that conversational feel to your words.
(I know it’s not easy to figure out what to improve on. But that’s why you should be working with a coach on this ;))
Working on your speaking skills before you launch that course or do that podcast pays off big time. As a strong, powerful speaker, will never lose an opportunity to impress.
Need more help? Just respond to this email to let me know what you’re looking to improve.
💜 Till next Sunday, speak fearlessly.