Stop sounding like ChatGPT

We can all tell when something’s written by ChatGPT.

It sounds robotic, a bit unnatural.

Almost human, but not quite.

Robot like ChatGPT

But what happens when you speak in a stiff, robotic way?

You sound almost human but not quite.

The thing is – you may not even realize you sound this way.

But in the meantime, you’re not getting the clients you want.

You’re not seeing your business grow as fast as you want.

You’re not getting the recognition you want as an expert in your industry.

This is how you can change all that:

Stop speaking on auto-pilot.

The truth is – most people are “lazy speakers”.

Most people mumble, ramble, and “umm” and “uhhh” their way through conversations, meetings, presentations.

And they get away with it.

Because no one ever gives them any feedback on how they sound.

We’re surrounded by so many mediocre communicators that we’ve resigned ourselves to expect poor communication skills.

What does this mean for you?

If you can learn to speak with intentionclarity and conciseness– you’ll easily rise above 99% of your competition.

While others use jargon, you’ll be speaking in simple, powerful words.

While others use filler words, you’ll be clear with your message.

While others ramble on, you’ll be speaking succinctly.

This is the best way to stand out and be recognized.
Because your message is important.

The way you deliver it should enhance it, not dampen it’s impact.

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