It’s finalllly summer in the south of France – but that’s not the only reason I’m celebrating. Several months ago, I coached the entire C-suite at a startup to present their pitches to investors. And this is what happened:

Here’s the full breakdown of how I coached the CEO, CMO, CTO and CFO to deliver “one of the best top six presentations” ever:
Step 1: Evaluating current communication skills
- The first step was to create a 360 profile of the speakers. I always start with helping you investigate your current overall speaking skills – even if we’re only prepping for a single presentation.
- Each member of the C-suite evaluated their own skills and got feedback on their communication skills from their peers and teams.
Step 2: Arming you with the speaker’s toolkit
- I then coached each leader on using their voice, energy and body language so that they start speaking with dynamism and engagement.
- They learned how to control their pacing, use pauses effectively and vary their pitch and intonation.
Step 3: Strategic practice with feedback
- We started strategically rehearsing for the presentations. They were not just blind “practice” sessions where you keep repeating the same thing.
- We set specific goals for each rehearsal, and they got feedback from me every practice round.
- They delivered 7 pitch presentations. We debriefed after every pitch and documented what went well and what they can improve on for next time.
Want to learn how this system works from me LIVE?
Back by popular demand, I’m doing another free masterclass on Saturday June 22nd at 10:30am EST / 2:30pm GMT on How to Impress When You Speak.
You’ll learn:
- 3 common mistakes that you might be making when you speak that prevent you from building credibility.
- 2 public speaking exercises that will instantly show you how to speak with impact anywhere.
- How to maximize business growth opportunities from each speaking event.
The last time I ran this Masterclass, we hit our capacity on Zoom.
Grab a spot if you’d like to learn from me live 🙂
Till we meet (hopefully on Saturday),
Speak fearlessly.