5 video prompts that WORK

You’re convinced you need to be creating more videos.

They make you visible. Clients feel like they know you before that first Zoom meeting. You’re on your way to thought leadership…

Except not all video ideas work.

I’ve tested 70+ video ideas for you so that you can benefit from the best ones that have resulted in 91,000+ impressions and dozens of leads:

Take a common debate that people associate with your industry or area of expertise and talk about your clear stance on it.

Watch-out: you must really believe in your stance – don’t just be controversial for the sake of it!

I made a video on how it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. It showed my stance on something people often debate – does style matter over substance?

🔥 Show a concept in a new way.

Take a concept relevant to your niche and illustrate it using something new. You can get creative with this as it’s on video: for example, if you’re making a video about how to grow revenue in a SaaS business, think of how you can show the same concept with cooking food.

I once did a video almost entirely in French to show my audience how they can be confident when speaking in a second language.

One of my best performing videos is Speech GPT – my imagining of what Chat GPT would be like on video.

You don’t need to act anything out if you don’t want to. You can try this concept out by taking something that’s trending and applying it to your niche. For example: talk about what a Super Bowl ad for your company would look like.

🔥 5 ways to…

This is a classic – it works because people like knowing what benefit they will get from watching. I like the number 5 because it’s manageable in a 60-90 second video. You can play with this concept by filming each of the 5 tips in a different place.

My 5 tips to use your voice to create impact resonated with a lot of people (pun intended).

🔥 Common mistakes and myths

Give people an insider’s view of your industry. This has the power to entertain, inform AND establish you as a trusted voice that lets people in on insider secrets that others aren’t willing to spill.

My video on the common mistakes that leaders make when speaking got noticed by LinkedIn editors!

Hope these helped. If you want my help in creating a video strategy for LinkedIn – here’s how to find me!

Till we meet again, speak fearlessly!

💜 Nausheen

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