3 secrets that have helped my clients gain credibility as experts

As a filmmaker, I was tired, frustrated, and constantly suffering burn-out.

But when I considered changing career paths at 38, I was petrified.

I thought:

If I change career paths now, I’ll have to build my entire reputation and network from scratch.

But things couldn’t go on the way they were.

gain credibility

That was me in my last few projects as a filmmaker

Then I realized this:

I had been speaking on stages and on camera for 17 years.

Now I just had to show the world who I was.

I used these 3 strategies to turn my expertise into credibility. And then helped 100+ clients do the same – so you can too:

1. Make a visibility plan

No one will know you unless you make an effort to become intentionally visible.

I created an excel sheet, listing down all the podcasts, events and communities I wanted to be visible in.

podcast visibility plan 3 secrets that have helped my clients gain credibility as experts

A sneak peek at my podcast visibility plan

2. Gather stories to tell

Just going on a podcast and winging it won’t help you become a credible expert.

80% of clients who come to me having just done their first podcast tell me they hated the experience.

They feel like:

  • they sounded inexperienced
  • they couldn’t find the right words to say at the right time
  • they didn’t come across as the experts they actually are

The secret sauce to sounding more confident and credible is bringing the right stories with you.

Create a list of stories that can connect to the information you want to share with your audience.

Then start telling them, refining them and evolving them.

3. Deliver like an impressive, impactful speaker

Once you know where you want to speak, and what you want to speak about:

Build your skills to deliver your content in the most powerful way.

Nausheen in Tedx China 3 secrets that have helped my clients gain credibility as experts

Me on my first TEDx stage in China

This means:

  • Being concise and clear – no rambling or jargon.
  • Learning how to read the room – even online – and adapt.
  • Using your voice, energy, body language to deliver your message.

By implementing these strategies, I’ve successfully transitioned my career, speaking at 3 TEDx stages, coaching 100+ CEOs, founders, and executives at companies like Amazon, Google and SAP.

These 3 secrets will get you to your dream goal of being known as a credible expert.

It’s not easy or quick.

But it’s possible.

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