Never sound ROBOTIC again

I love robots.

But I don’t want to sound like one.

Sadly, this is exactly what happens to a lot of CEOs and founders. When they talk to their teams, they’re confident and clear. But when they’re in front of a camera, they start sounding like a pale robotic version of themselves.

They fail to make impact. Their message gets forgotten. Their audience feels NOTHING when they speak.

That stops now.

Here’s your actionable tip for never sounding robotic ever again:

Humanize your content, your delivery, your presence.

🔥 Understand if you have any mental blocks.

If you’re freezing on camera, you may be experiencing a mental block. Make an effort to understand what that might be.

🔥 Change your relationship with the camera.

The camera is not intimidating. It’s a tool. It’s a friend. It’s your way of connecting with hundreds, thousands or maybe even millions of people at the same time.

🔥 Use simple language.

Read your content out aloud. If it sounds unnatural, change it.

🔥 Imagine talking to your audience through the lens.

Visualize people looking at you, nodding and smiling. Get in the zone of having a 1:1 conversation.

🔥 Warmup.

Before you need to be on camera, do a physical and vocal warmup. Loosen up. Get your facial muscles relaxed and expressive.

🔥 Get feedback on rehearsals.

Don’t just rehearse by yourself. Do a quick recording of your rehearsal a few days before you need to be on camera and get feedback from your team, your family and friends.

🔥 Remember the BEST way to be more memorable and impactful is to be human.

When you’re vulnerable and real – that’s when people remember you. The more you try to “package” yourself, the less of an impact you’ll actually make.

I hope these helped! If you want to see someone REALLY impactful in action, I recommend you check out this week’s podcast guest: the one and only Terry Rice.

He’s Entrepreneur Magazine’s Expert-in-Residence. And so much more: an NYU professor, a podcast host, a business development consultant. He’s spoken at some of the world’s biggest stages from SXSW to Techstars and Google.

Don’t miss out on this one: Terry talks about how he used speaking in public to generate leads and build his business.

Till we meet again, speak fearlessly!

💜 Nausheen

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