Mastering Enunciation: How to Command Attention with Clear Speech

Learn the art of enunciation to elevate your communication game.

Most speakers do not pay attention to enunciating clearly. In fact, we mumble a lot in everyday conversation.

But when you’re on stage, or on camera – it pays to enunciate clearly. It pays off multifold: your audience understands you and you portray confidence. We associate clear speech with self-assuredness.

In this video I show you exactly how to enunciate well, so that your words don’t get lost and you command attention each time you speak.

Want to go further with refining your speaking skills? Check out how to master your body language and how to do voice warmups for maximum impact.


When you talk to a friend, you probably mumbled up your words and talked fast. That’s okay. But when you really want to get that point across, when you want senior management to sit up and pay attention, when you want to close that deal, that’s when you need to enunciate. I want to show you an example.

Let’s assume, what I can do for you is 10x your sales, what do you think?

Now let’s turn this into a well enunciated, well articulated sentence. The first thing that you do is you slow down. What I can do for you, is 10x your sales. What do you think? This allows me to not eat up my words. The second step is to then pronounce all the syllables of every single word.

This sounds funny, but it really works. Also, does not apply to knives and rendezvous. What I can do for you is 10X your sales. What do you think? And now the third step, as you might’ve guessed, is to make it flow naturally. What I can do for you is 10X your sales. What do you think? And the fourth pro step is to then add in basing and emphasis.

Look at which words can be emphasized a little bit more. For example, what I can do for you is 10X your sales. What do you think? Just take a sentence and record yourself saying it first, naturally or instinctively, and then slow down, start pronouncing every word and add in the tonal variations to make it sound natural.

I would love to know how it goes.

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