5 easy steps to go from zero to video

I started thinking about creating videos for my business back in 2015.

At the time, I was the co-founder of a commercial video production company. So it seemed fitting that we would create our own behind-the-scenes videos to show how we worked.

The problem?

I started off without a plan. I had a videographer follow us around on our shoots and then an editor put something together that I wasn’t too happy with.

And I gave up after a few videos because it was too much effort that wasn’t producing any results.

If any of this sounds familiar – it’s not because video isn’t a powerful tool for growing your business. It’s because you may not be using it well.

Here’s how you can create a system to produce high-quality videos that WORK for your business:

🔥 Strategize

Ask yourself some rapid-fire questions to quickly figure out WHY you want to create videos.

🔥🔥 Script

  • Jot down 5-7 bullet points. Don’t use full scripts.
  • Keep to 60-90 seconds.
  • One video = one point.

🔥🔥🔥 Setup

  • Use a simple setup that you can replicate each time.
  • Use your phone on a phone stand (don’t hold it).
  • Invest in a reasonably priced collar mic so you can keep your phone a bit further away and not rely on its mic.
  • Choose a well-lit indoor spot – much less challenging than filming outdoors.
  • Keep the camera at eye-level and look straight into it (not at yourself).

🔥🔥🔥🔥 Perform

  • Bring your personality, energy and expressive body language.
  • Don’t worry about needing to do multiple takes. Hollywood actors do about 7 takes on average.
  • Keep something to drink with you and take breaks.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Edit

  • Keep editing simple at first – just cut out the mistakes.
  • Use an easy-to-use software like CapCut, Descript or veed.io.
  • Add captions if you can – otherwise, use the auto-captioning on LinkedIn when you upload.

Pro-tip: Batch produce your content to maximize efficiency.

This process should take about 2-3 hours every 2 weeks, and you should be able to create 4-5 videos in each batch. If you create a system, you won’t feel like videos are too intimidating or time consuming to create.

And your personal brand will get richer and richer!

Next time, I’ll show you how to measure ROI for your videos.

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